Monday, September 28, 2015

Insomnia and Ayurved

     Insomnia is seen to be increasing with the changes in lifestyles. With increasing stress, tension,anxiety patterns, overtime working hours and demands for leading high day today lifestyle – stress and anxiety- are not far away resulting in insomnia. Depending on heavy oily food can result in obesity and insomnia.Simple food that is easily digestible is highly recommended. Panchakarma treatment is said to be more effective for patients of Insomnia and its preparatory phase involving Snehana (oleatiion) and Svedhana (steam therepy)are usually prescribed for an insomnia. The success rate of this treatment is said to be very high. This treatment results in the tissues becoming soft, moist and pliable which results in the elimination of toxins and excess Dosha energies from the body and mind easily, effortlessly and completely.
     The Shirodhara therapy is one that is done for the treatment of neurological disorders like insomnia, depression, chronic headaches and burning sensation in the head. In this process medicated oil, milk, butter milk., Decoctions  etc. are poured in a continuous stream in the forehead. This process results in cooling the head and improving the blood circulation in the head resulting in a cure to insomnia.

      Other treatments for insomnia in  Ayurveda includes Abyangam, which involves massaging of the head, body and foot using medicated oils, Ghee, Milk. This helps in removing toxins and promoting sound sleep. The foot massage or Pada Abhyangam is usually done which promotes mind and body relaxation and encourages a good night’s sleep. Another treatment for stress, anxiety and insomnia includes applying medicated oils mixed with herbal powder in the centre of the head. The above treatments are usually done for acute insomnia, stress and anxiety. Breathing techniques practised under the supervision of a Yogi or Vaidya(Ayurveda Physician) helps eliminate insomnia. The most effective breathing technique to root out insomnia is SudarshanKriya, Pranayama, Anulom Vilom. This powerful breathing technique helps in clearing stress at the physical, mental and emotional levels. It thus relaxes the nervous system enabling the person to have a quality sleep. For a general lack of sleep Ayurvedic treatment can be done at home after consultation with a Vaidya. This includes:-
  • An oil massage before your morning shower to relax your mind.
  • Bearable Hot  shower or bath before retiring to bed at night.
  •  Daily Meditation before going to bed is seen to calm the mind and body thus reducing anxiety and stress.
  • Ensure strict bedtime routine and stick to your routine seven times a week.
Ayurvedic herbs used for treating insomnia
  • Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera)
  • Brahmi (Bacopamonneri)
  • Jatamansi (Nardostachysjatamansi)
  • Tagara .
  • Shatvari (Asparagus racemosus)
  • Khurasani
  • Chandana
  • Palndu    
Dr. Sushant Patil
Atharva Ayurved Hospital
In Front Of IDBI Bank
60 Feet Road
Vasai Road (west)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hair Problems

    Ayurvedic ancient texts research on hair growth is extensive and healthy structured. This strong foundation provides Ayurved physiciens effective reasons behind excessive hair fall and the ways to reverse it which in turn results in consistent healthy hair growth. According to Ayurveda, hair type is directly related to body type and is systematically classified into three categories; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each hair type has its own renowned features and hence there are multiple reasons for hair loss which vary from person to person because body type is different for each person.
According to Ayurveda, hair is nourished by the nutrient plasma that is derived from the food that you eat. However; certain foods have a negative effect and cause excess Pitta Dosha meaning heat in the body which is the chief reason behind excess hair loss. Apart from Pitta Dosha, other reasons for hair loss according to Ayurveda are hormonal imbalance in men and women, stress, lack of sleep, improper diet, intoxicating substances, dandruff or fungal infections and diseases like lupus or diabetes amongst others. Ayurvedic hair growth solutions address these core issues promoting hair growth .
Dandruff is a condition in which dead skin cells accumulate and fall off from the scalp.
Also, Dandruff is a kind of skin disorder that affects the scalp. Dandruff is a condition in which white, dry flakes of dead skin are shed from the scalp.
• Stress and emotional problems
• Unclean habits
• Dry skin
• Skin diseases like psoriasis or eczema
• Extreme cold or hot weather
• Fatigue
• Incorrect, improper diet, Excessive intake of oily and sweet foods
• Energy loss due to long illness or infection
• Artificial styling beauty products and sensitivity to hair care products
• Harsh chemical shampoos
• When you comb or scratch, shiny silver flakes fall from the scalp
• Itching which can lead to reddening of the scalp
Clinical features of Dandruff:
1. Kandu Itching
2. Hair fall
3. Swaapa ie Numbness
4. Twak sputana (Cracking of the skin)
5. Daruna(Dryness followed with crack in the scalp)
6. Daha (Burning sensation)
7. Gaura (Heaviness) and
8. Toda (Pricking sensation) etc
There are certain precautions that should be taken by people suffering from dandruff. Following these simple things could avoid contagion of dandruff.
• Avoid using combs used by other people. Especially, when a person is suffering dandruff, never use his/her comb. Dandruff is highly contagious.
• Pay attention to the cleanliness of your hair. Make sure you take care of your hair and maintain it clean and healthy..
• Do not allow your hair to remain wet for a long time. Dry them with clean cloth which is not harsh or rough.
• Avoid spicy, hot and penetrating foods, junk food, fermented food, fish etc.
• Have food with good nutritive value according to Ayurveda Diet.
• Do regular Yoga and exercises to minimize stress levels. People can Do Pranayama, Anulom Vilom with proper guidelines.
• Avoid scratching the scalp with hands, nails or any other objects.
Ayurvedic View
Ayurveda places the problem of dandruff in the category of Shudra Roga, which appears due to an imbalance Vata Dosha.Excessive oily scalp also causes dandruff. Oiliness is caused by Kapha Dosha. Hence, dandruff has involvement of Kapha and Vata Dosha.of all three Doshas. The primary Doshas involved are Pitta and Vata. Pitta is an Ayurveda term which indicates heat or fire and Vata is dry and rough in nature. In an aggravated state, both doshas cause production of specific impurities, called Ama(Aharia Visha ie Poison due to improper lifestyle and food), which are dry and heating in nature. These impurities accumulate in the deep tissues of scalp and contaminate them. Contamination of the deep tissues and aggravated Vata-Pitta Dosha cause itching and patches on scalp. Due to these factors, the scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells, which leads to the problem of dandruff.
The Ayurvedic line of treatment is to generally pacify Pitta and Vata through herbal medicines, as well as a tailor-made diet and lifestyle plan. Also, special herbs are administered to cleanse the body of accumulated digestive impurities.

Dandruff is caused by unclean scalp, daily stress, dry skin and hair products. Hence to wash off dandruff you need some natural remedies for this skin problem. With the help of Ayurveda treatments you can reduce and prevent dandruff.CPqqRoqUYAAiMIVDr. Dr.Sushant S. Patil
Atharva Ayurved Hospital
In Front Of IDBI Bank
60 Feet Road,
Vasai West

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Regimen of Psoriasis

Regimen of Psoriasis

1. Maintain safer distance from the possible variables that cause or trigger psoriasis symptoms.
2. Practice yoga regularly. Meditation, Pranayama, Kapalbhati can lessen the intensity of psoriasis.
3. Avoid itching , scratching your ‪#‎skin‬ direct with nails , take a cotton cloth to rub.
4. Make sure your skin is dry after washing, and avoid rubbing vigorously with towel or any rough cloth.
5. Avoid artificial cleansers and intake of gram flour (besan flour) instead.
6. Use cotton clothes to wear.
7. Avoid cold water bath or immediate cleaning up right after heavy work-out, long walks, or travel or Sun exposure.
8. Avoid food stuffs specially Junk food fermented foods that can cause indigestion.
9. Avoid excessive salty and acidic food stuffs, radish, urad dal, sesame, jaggery (gur), curds, fish and other sour food stuffs that can trigger psoriasis symptoms.
10. Avoid alcoholism too.
‪#‎healthyskin‬ ‪#‎patch‬ ‪#‎patchy‬ ‪#‎immune‬ ‪#‎autoimmune‬ ‪#‎dermatitis‬ ‪#‎itching‬ ‪#‎dandruff‬ ‪#‎ugly‬ ‪#‎social‬ ‪#‎naturalskin‬ ‪#‎AyurvedaTips‬ ‪#‎regimen‬

DrSushant S Patil

#‎Atharva‬ ‪#‎Ayurved‬ ‪#‎panchakarma‬ Hospital
60 feet Road,
Vasai West



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