Ayurved Treatment and Diagnosis
कालार्थकर्मणां योगो हीनमिथ्यातिमात्रक: । सम्यग्योगश्च विज्ञेयो रोगारोग्यैक कारणम् ॥
Less, more or wrong unison
of time, senses and functions is the reason for disease and the right unison of
these three factors is the reason for health
has eight ways to diagnose illness, called Nadi (pulse), Mootra
(urine), Mala (stool),
Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech), Sparsha (touch), Druk (vision), and Aakruti
(appearance). Ayurvedic practitioners approach diagnosis by using the five
senses.[35] For
example, hearing is used to observe the condition of breathing and speech.[6] The
study of the lethal points or marman marma is of special
importance. Also diseases can be diagnosed in either eight steps or ten steps
Ashta Sthana Pareeksha (Eight step diagnosis)
Ashta Sthana Pareeksha (Eight step diagnosis)
There are three main methods for
diagnosing a disease and Dosha imbalance in a person. They are:By observing the
patient’s physical appearance and symptoms- colour of skin, hair, eyes,
behaviors, body condition etc.By asking detailed questions to know about the
degree of imbalance of each Dosha It includes checking the pulse (Nadi
Pareeksha), palpitation, percussion and auscultation of a personAlso diseases
can be diagnosed in either eight steps or ten steps
- Nadi (Pulse diagnosis)
- Jihwa (examination of tongue)
- Malam (examination of stool)
- Mootram (examination of urine)
- Sabdam (examination of voice)
- Sparsanam (examination of body temperature)
- Drik (examination of eye ball)
- Akriti (examination of the physique)
Dasa Visha Pareeksha (Ten step diagnosis)
- Dooshyam
(examination of the seven Dathus and Doshas)
- Desham(examination
of the surroundings)
- Balam
(examination of the strength)
- Kalam
(examination of season)
- Analam
(examination of Agni)
- Prakruti
(examination of Body Constitution)
- Vayas
( examination of Age)
- Satwam
(examination of Mental Power)
- Satmyam
(examination of Compatibility)
- Aharam
(examination of food habits)
What is the initial examination?
Ayurvedic examinations generally consist of three parts:
Observation (Darshan): The practitioner
first evaluates general physical health by looking at the patient and observing
his/her movements, body contour, color of the skin and eyes, facial lines and
ridges, shape of the nose, and qualities of the lips, hair, and nails.
Touch (Sparsha): The
practitioner then employs touch, including palpation (pressing down on parts of
the body, called sparshanam in Ayurveda), auscultation, which
is listening for sounds made by the internal organs (shrvanaa), and
percussion or tapping (akotana). There is special focus on the patient's
pulse, tongue, nails, and speech. Laboratory testing is also included under
this category.
Questions (Prashna): The
practitioner asks the patient about complaints and symptoms, as well as the
duration of discomfort and disease progression. The practitioner also inquires
about mental and psychological conditions.
and prevention
Two of the eight
branches of classical Ayurveda deal with surgery (Shalya and Shalakya-tantra),
but contemporary Ayurveda tends to emphasise attaining vitality by building a
healthy metabolic system and maintaining
good digestion and excretion Ayurveda also focuses on
exercise, yoga, and meditation.
One type of prescription is a Sattvic diet.
follows the concept of Dinacharya, which says that natural cycles (waking,
sleeping, working, meditation etc.) are important for health. Hygiene,
including regular bathing, cleaning of teeth, skin care, and eye washing, is
also a central practice.
Ayurvedic treatment can be broadly classified into two:
शोधनं शमनं चेति समासात् औषधं द्विधा ॥ शरीरजानां दोषाणां क्रमेण परमौषधम् ।
बस्ति: विरेको वमनं तथा तैल घृतं मधु: ॥
- Sodhana
Chikilsa (Purification Therapy)
- Shamana
Chikilsa (Alleviating Therapy)
Sodhana Chikilsa
Sodhana Chikilsa involves the removal of toxic byproducts formed in the body through various therapeutic procedures. By undergoing the five procedures involved in the therapy, known as Pancha Karma, the normal tone is brought back to the system and a balance is attained.
Sodhana Chikilsa involves the removal of toxic byproducts formed in the body through various therapeutic procedures. By undergoing the five procedures involved in the therapy, known as Pancha Karma, the normal tone is brought back to the system and a balance is attained.
Panchakarma: This
multi-step detoxification regimen is thought to remove ama (a toxin). The regimen includes
massage, steam treatment, vamana (induced vomiting),virechana (use of prescribed herbal and
oil-based laxatives) and basti (medicated enema), blood letting, and nasya (a nasal treatment). These treatments
are followed by a strict dietary and herbal regimen, a rejuvenating therapy,
and recommendations for daily routines. Note: this invasive procedure requires
the supervision of a trained Ayurvedic practitioner; contraindications and side
effects should be closely monitored
1. Vamana (Emesis
Internal medicines are administered to induce vomiting
2. Virechana (Purgation Therapy)
Internal medicines are administered to induce purgation
3. Nasyam (Nasal Medication)
Herbal Medicines in the form of oil or powder is administrated through the nostril
4. Vasthy (Medicated enema therapy)
Herbal medicines in the form of decoction or oil is administered through anus.
5. Rakthamoksham (Blood letting therapy)
Impure blood is drained out of the body through needle-pricking, venesection, leaching etc.
Internal medicines are administered to induce vomiting
2. Virechana (Purgation Therapy)
Internal medicines are administered to induce purgation
3. Nasyam (Nasal Medication)
Herbal Medicines in the form of oil or powder is administrated through the nostril
4. Vasthy (Medicated enema therapy)
Herbal medicines in the form of decoction or oil is administered through anus.
5. Rakthamoksham (Blood letting therapy)
Impure blood is drained out of the body through needle-pricking, venesection, leaching etc.
Before Panchakarma, the toxic elements in the body are loosened and made ready to be removed using the following therapies
1. Snehana Karma (Oleation Therapy)
In this procedure oil and ghee preparations are used externally and internally. The different procedures include
Before Panchakarma, the toxic elements in the body are loosened and made ready to be removed using the following therapies
1. Snehana Karma (Oleation Therapy)
In this procedure oil and ghee preparations are used externally and internally. The different procedures include
2. )
Done in association with Snehana Karma, the various therapies coming under Swedana Karma include:
Done in association with Snehana Karma, the various therapies coming under Swedana Karma include:
Hot Herbal Bath etc.
Shamana Chikilsa
This therapy is done after Sodhana Chikilsa and involves the usage of herbal medicines, both externally and internally and thus restoring normality without elimination.
Ayurveda also recommends therapies for proper body care. Some of the important body care therapies include:
This therapy is done after Sodhana Chikilsa and involves the usage of herbal medicines, both externally and internally and thus restoring normality without elimination.
Ayurveda also recommends therapies for proper body care. Some of the important body care therapies include:
Name of therapy
Rasayana Chikilsa (Rejuvenation Therapy)
Rejuvenates body systems
Body massage with medicated oil or cream
Sodhana Chikilsa (Body Purification Therapy)
Gets rid of toxins from the body for a proper balance of vatha, pitha
and Kapha
Snehana Karma, Swedana Karma followed by Pancha Karma
Kayakalpa Chikilsa (Body Immunization/ Longevity Treatment)
Stalls ageing process and increases the immunity of the body
Body Massage, Snehapnam, Virechanam, Nasyam, Snehavasti, Dhara,
Medicated Steam Bath
Tones the body
Medicated herbal powder massage Medicated herbal oil massage
Beauty care
Improves skin complexion, skin tone
Herbal Cream Massage, Herbal oil massage, application of herbal face
Cleans the ears and avoids diseases related to the ear
Medicated fumes subjected to ears
Removes wrinkles, black heads, sun tan etc.
Application of herbal face pack
Rejuvenation Massage
Rejuvenates body, Reduces mental tension etc
Body Massage with herbal oil or powder
General Massage
Improves blood circulation
Body Massage with herbal oil or powder
Medicated Steam Bath
Eliminates impurities, Improves body tone
Body subjected to the steam from boiled leaves and herbs
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Dr. Sushant S. Patil
Atharva Ayurved Multi Specialty Hospital Vasai
60 Feet Road, In Front Of IDBI Bank
Atharva Ayurved Hospital Vasai
Atharva Ayurved Multi Specialty Hospital Vasai
60 Feet Road, In Front Of IDBI Bank
Atharva Ayurved Hospital Vasai
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